Diet Coaching
Why Diet Coaching and Body Fat Analysis?
Diet is 60% to 80% of your fitness and conditioning goals – You can train or exercise hours a day but if your diet isn’t functional you will fall flat and likely fail.
Rita’s long career as a dietitian has developed extensive knowledge and experience with food preparation as well as with helping people form better nutritional habits.
“Mirror mirror on the wall”…You know how betraying that image can be! Scales and bio-electronic devices aren’t much better. To objectively evaluate your condition and monitor your progress Rita performs a comprehensive 9 site caliper body fat analysis.
Diet is 60% to 80% of your fitness and conditioning goals – You can train or exercise hours a day but if your diet isn’t functional you will fall flat and likely fail.
- Have you ever noticed how many diets there are out there?
- Have you tried different diets without success?
- Do you have trouble staying on a diet?
- Are you confused by all the supplements, information, and approaches?
- Do you still want food that tastes great and meals that are easy and quick to prepare?
Rita’s long career as a dietitian has developed extensive knowledge and experience with food preparation as well as with helping people form better nutritional habits.
“Mirror mirror on the wall”…You know how betraying that image can be! Scales and bio-electronic devices aren’t much better. To objectively evaluate your condition and monitor your progress Rita performs a comprehensive 9 site caliper body fat analysis.
- Scales are misleading. They don’t tell you how fat or lean mass you have. They don’t reflect how much fat you’ve lost or muscle you’ve gained. The more your condition changes and improves, the less reliable your scale will be.
- Most bio-electronic type body fat devices are inaccurate. Your level of hydration can dramatically change the reading. And the more conditioned you are, the less accurate they become.
- BMI’s are simply a re-naming of the old height & weight tables. If you don’t fit that “average”, of if you don’t want to be “average” then it’s of no use.